This job is closed and is displayed for reference only.
Steward – Dunstaffnage Castle and Bonawe Iron Furnace X 2
Closing Date: 19/01/22
Expected Interview Date: 09/02/22 – interviews are anticipated to be conducted remotely
Thank you for your interest in the post of steward with Historic Environment Scotland, based at Dunstaffnage Castle and Bonawe Iron Furnace. This is a fixed term and pensionable appointment.
The post holder will be responsible for delivering the highest standards of visitor experience at Dunstaffnage Castle and Bonawe Iron Furnace working across all areas, including in the shop, admissions area and outside, with delivery of visitor engagement a core part of the role.
If you are unable to complete an online application form, please email, quoting the job title and recruitment reference, and we will arrange for an application form to be sent to you.
Please note that, as we operate an electronic recruitment system, we will contact you via the email address that you provide in your application to inform you of the outcome of your application.
For further information about the post, please contact Jane Martin
Further information for this job
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