Historic Environment Scotland
Longmore House, Edinburgh

Oifigear Adhartachaidh na Gàidhlig (Gaelic Outreach Officer)

This job is closed and is displayed for reference only. 

Job summary

Salary Band £32110 - £37874
Location Flexible within Scotland
Hours 35 per week
Closing Date 06 March 2024 at midday
Reference HES/24/015

Tapadh leat airson ùidh a nochdadh ann an dreuchd Oifigear Adhartachaidh na Gàidhlig (Gaelic Outreach Officer) aig Àrainneachd Eachdraidheil Alba (HES). Bidh an dreuchd stèidhichte ann an Dùn Èideann, Gearastan Deòrsa (Inbhir Nis) no Sruighlea le obair ioma-dhòigheach. Is e dreuchd mhaireannach le peinnsean a tha seo.

Is e cothrom brosnachail a tha seo air taic a chur ri lìbhrigeadh ar Plana Gàidhlig le bhith a’ leasachadh agus a’ co-òrdanachadh diofar phròiseactan is ghnìomhachdan fo ar cinn-uidhe adhartachaidh. Gus a bhith soirbheachail, bidh tu fileanta sa Ghàidhlig le dealas agus eòlas dearbhte ann an adhartachadh na Gàidhlig.


Tha grunn shochairean sàr-mhath againn leithid fòrladh sònraichte, ath-phàigheadh air sìnteasan proifeiseanta buntainneach, fòrladh ionnsachaidh airson chùrsaichean co-cheangailte ri obair, sgeama pàighidh tinneis dhreuchdail, ballrachd an-asgaidh le Headspace agus sgeama peinnsean Seirbheis Chatharra.

A bheil ùidh agad?

Luchdaich a-nuas an tuairisgeul obrach gu h-ìosal is faodaidh tu tagradh airson an cothrom inntinneach is brosnachail seo air-loidhne.

Thank you for your interest in the post of Oifigear Adhartachaidh na Gàidhlig (Gaelic Outreach Officer) with Historic Environment Scotland (HES). The post will be based at either Edinburgh, Fort George (Inverness) or Stirling with hybrid working. This is a permanent and pensionable appointment.

This is an exciting opportunity to support the delivery of our Gaelic Language Plan by developing and coordinating various projects and activities under our outreach objectives. To be successful you will be a fluent Gaelic speaker with a proven commitment and experience in championing Gaelic.


We offer a number of excellent benefits, such as special leave, reimbursement for relevant professional subscriptions, study leave for work related courses, an occupational sick pay scheme, access to a free Headspace subscription and access to a civil service pension scheme with minimum employer contributions of 26.6% (pro rata’d).


You can download the full job description below and apply online for this interesting and exciting opportunity.

Application Pack – Foirm Tagraidh Gàidhlig (Application for Employment Form)
General Information for Applicants - Mar a Sgrìobhar Aithris Comasachd
General Information for Applicants - How to Write a Statement of Competence
General Information for Applicants - Notaichean Stiùiridh Thagraidhean
General Information for Applicants - Frèam-obrach Comasachd
General Information for Applicants - Application Guidance Notes
Competency Framework

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